

you are here because you want help

You’re here because you care about your relationship, because you want to make things work.
A healthy relationship does take work. But, support from a relationship coach takes the load off of your shoulders.
Our process works for you. It’s easy and fast to get started.
If you are like most of the 80 couples we help heal and grow every year, you only have a few requests of your partner:

The ideal Partner



  • Listens when I need to talk
  • Asks for and values my input
  • Is both affectionate and sweet
  • Is an involved father and good role model to our children
  • Is dedicated to supporting the family through hard work and (sometimes) sacrifice
  • Enjoys spending time with me
  • Apologizes for mistakes
  • Shows appreciation daily
  • Is excited to go out and socialize


  • Is pleasant to be around
  • Is emotionally mature and dependable
  • Nurtures me and our children
  • Is ambitious and industrious
  • Takes interest in my hobbies
  • Surprises me once in a while
  • Is excited to go out and socialize
  • Cares about health and physical fitness
  • Appreciates my hard work
  • Doesn’t pressure me to talk about things I am not ready to talk about
  • Reminds me of my strengths
Whatever problems you are facing, whichever areas you want to grow in, couples counseling can help you find solutions and achieve happiness together.
Don’t wait anymore – it is not too late. We can help you become each other’s dream partner again, just like the many, many newly happy-again couples we help every year.
Do you think a marriage counselor is not a good fit for your relationship? Not sure we will understand where you two are coming from?
Marriage counseling is for all kinds of people. We have seen it all. Whatever you are dealing with today, we can help you work through it.
Both Robb and Tonja bring their rich experience as a couples therapist to every session. But, just like in your relationship, the two have different perspectives and approaches to couples therapy.

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